Top Ten Motivational Quotes

It is the time in many swimmers seasons for a mid-season focus meet. For my team it is this weekend. Everyone is excited to see how they can do with a little extra rest, shaved legs and a fast suit on. This being said, the pressure can be a bit nerve wracking, especially if you haven’t been doing as well as you would have liked. The season is far from over and even with some lighter practices, you can probably still feel your aching muscles. This meet is an opportunity and no one wants to blow it. To ease my nerves I looked up motivational quotes to get myself more excited. Here are my top picks! I hope that you can find some motivation in them too.



As much as swimmers may complain about how much sacrifice comes with the sport, there is no doubt that some of the most valuable friendships and life lessons are learned in the pool. There is so much time to think! If you can’t find out about yourself in that time, what can you find out? For me, swimming got me through some very hard times and also taught me to love myself.



This is important to remember in a slump. Sometimes it feels like all you do is work. Practices are hard and you try your butt off and then you get to a meet and it seems like it doesn’t matter. It can leave you wondering if your hard work is even worth it. This quote is there to remind you that the hard work is worth it. You may not be accomplishing what you want to at the moment but if you stop working hard you wont accomplish your goals ever.



So, you won a race, you are not the best. Some one might beat you the very next time you swim it. Keep working hard.  So, you’ve had a bad race or races; its not the end all be all. You will have more races. Keep the courage to work hard and keep trying.



6. Some people aren’t willing to give it there all every practice. Some people are willing to. These people who are willing will win in the end. Make sure you are willing. There is always someone out there trying harder than you; remember that.


You have the ability to be great; why would you ever waste that? Keep pushing yourself. You may not ever be the best but you can be your best.



Every swimmer has practices where they long for their warm bed or hot shower. It’s hard to be 100% motivated, 100% of the time. The more you stay on task, the better you will train. The better you train, the more likely it is to win. Stay focused. Show training who is boss.



As hard as it is, try not to compare yourself to other swimmers. If you can use it to motivate yourself then by all means keep it up. For me, comparing myself to others time wise can really get me down. If you and someone else race and you go a best time but they go much faster than you, don’t forget that you still did well. You should strive to do better. You should look at others and be like, “if she can than I can too.” Never look at it as, “I suck, I only dropped 1 second and she dropped 3.” The 1 second you dropped is better than you were last time. Celebrate that and continue on with thirst for success.



No one can have the perfect race. It’s not possible. There is always one turn that could be better or one adjustment you can make to your race to make it just a little bit faster. This being said, if every time you race you look at these things that could be better, than eventually there will be less and less things to fix, resulting is a faster time.



This quote reminds us to always try our hardest. You may not win the race, but if you work as hard as you can and do your best, the next time you swim it you will be more prepared and that can help you to win.



No one likes to do poorly. If you stand behind the block scared, your head will not be in the right place. Swimming is a very mental sport. Stand behind the blocks excited for the opportunity. You have put in all the work you can. Now put in your best effort for this one race and hope that it pays off. If it doesn’t, yes it sucks, but it’s not the end of the world. Your friends and family will still love you. Nobody died as a result. Life goes on. Put your head down and keep working.

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